
Thursday, 26 January 2017

Training Task 2.00

Show Me your very best manicure and pedicure.
Start by cleaning and scrubbing all your nails with a brush. Cut them and file the ends to a nice smooth finish. If your nails have ridges in them, you should buff them out. Do not buff them too hard, as this weakens the nails.
Then, with a steady hand, paint your fingers and toes with pink nail polish. Apply 2 coats, leaving 10 minutes inbetween coats to allow for complete drying of the first coat.
Write on a piece of paper “my best manicure and pedicure for Mistress Eleanor @” you may add your slave name/sissy name to the paper as well and the date.
Sit on your sissy bottom with your knees pulled up to your chest. Rest the sign on your ankles and hold it with your manicured fingers. Take a photo and send it to Me at

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, this seemed much easier to do when i read it than when i tried it, but oh what joy to have my nails painted pink and see them flicking and flashing across the key board.
